Purpose of the Intercultural Education Society of Japan
The Intercultural Education Society of Japan was established in January 1981 by a group of voluntary researchers and educators to promote research in related fields with the following aims.
The purpose of this Society is to promote the study of various educational problems caused by contact between different cultures. The study of the problems caused by intercultural contact is not necessarily new, but in recent years, as internationalization in various fields has advanced, there has been a tendency to take up the various problems caused by intercultural contact academically under the concepts and methods of intercultural contact, cultural friction, and intercultural research. In the field of education, this has been conducted as comparative pedagogy and comparative educational history research, and as cross-cultural research in psychology, sociology, cultural anthropology, linguistics, international relations theory, literature, etc. The Society was established as an interdisciplinary research network of people interested in the study of this issue in these and other areas of education, especially in overseas and returnee education and international education, with the aim of promoting academic research on related issues and contributing to the field of practice.
For example, the Society is engaged in logical and practical research on issues such as education for children overseas and returnee children, foreign language education, Japanese language education for foreigners, foreign children’s education in Japan, international exchange in education and research (dispatch of teachers, scholars and students, and study abroad), education for overseas immigrants, education for international understanding, systems and methods of education and training for intercultural educators, multicultural and multilingual education in other countries, intercultural adaptation, intercultural teaching and learning process, bilingual education, identity, and intercultural communication.